We drove to Watson Lake from Ross River. It’s snow, heavy snow…
After visiting school, we drill and establish permafrost station.
We introduce frost tube at school first things in the morning.
Then head back to Alaska! via Whitehorse.
We drove to Watson Lake from Ross River. It’s snow, heavy snow…
After visiting school, we drill and establish permafrost station.
We introduce frost tube at school first things in the morning.
Then head back to Alaska! via Whitehorse.
We met students at RossRiver this morning. Half of the students are sick today, but rest of the students are going out to measure frosttube. They know our program very well (third year!) and fun to guess frost depth before checking.
During Canada trip now, I received E-mail from Mike. This is great update and I would like to share with you! Check out
We have a Follow Up Section of the Xpedition with questions provided by the Sekundarschule Schöntalstrasse
school from Uzwil, Switzerland. The new section can be found at http://xpeditiononline.com/09revisited.html#followup
Follow Up Section Includes
18 New Follow Up Questions answered by Xpedition Members
Student made Graphs of Temperature Change
New Panoramic Photos
New Photos of 2008 and 2009 Xpedition Glacier Ice comparisons
Link to Dr. Kenji Narita’s photos of plants on Kilimanjaro
We met Pelly Crossing students first things in the morning, also visiting our new frost tube site. Then we drove for Faro.
Majority of the Pelly Crossing students are native students.
At the Faro, this is third year and fourth times visiting for same students. They grow bigger now and understanding our program alot!
We check frost tube and relax time with them.
We start Canadian campaign trip. It is not great conditions, wet snow, flat tire… However, students are good here and collecting frost tube data last year and will do again this winter.
I drove to Haines yesterday. The way driving to there, I stop Dot Lake, Tanacross, Teslin and Beaver Creek schools for mainly downloading data. I really enjoyed staying in Haines School and Mosquito School. Students are so helpful good harts!
I am leaving for Southeast and Canada tomorrow morning!
This is road trip for over 3000 miles. I will update as much as possible! stay tune…
Dot Lake
Beaver Ck
Haines (drive 12 hours)
Mosquito Lake
Whitehorse (5 hours)
9 am – Whitehorse presentation
drive Whse – Carmacks (3 hours)
2 pm – Carmacks presentation
drive Carmacks to Pelly Crossing (1 hour)
4 pm – drill Pelly
stay in Pelly
9 am – Pelly presentation
drive Pelly to Faro (4 hours)
2 pm – Faro presentation
drive Faro – Ross River (1 hr)
4 pm – drill RR frost tube deeper
stay in RR
9 am – RR presentation
drive RR to Watson Lake (5 hrs)
4 pm – drill WL
stay in WL
9 am – WL presentation
drive WL to Whse (5 hrs)
Back in Whitehorse by 4 pm.
Northway (6hours)
Fairbanks (4hours)
Vladimir calibrated datalogger recently. we found 0.115degree shifting for eagle’s temperature measurements. Here is corrected profile.
You will see temperature is very much same at there last 15 years!
I try to introduce data in this winter, when we ready to post. We establish over 150 location and retrieved data over 100 files. It is fun to see but also time consuming process…
Here is recent data from Bethel borehole! Permafrost temperature is very close to 0 degree Celsius (-0.5dC at 12m depth). Also you see colder temperature for deeper depth. This means good indication of recent warming.
Here is Kilimanjaro ground temperature by the altitude. Higher the elevation getting colder the ground. The gradient is very low (less than 0.6dC/100m), It maybe volcanic
activities (heat flow is higher than normal). As the result, permafrost is only presence at specific thermal conditions such as thicker organic layer or high pore space materials like moraine.
I was Betty’s class at North Pole Elem. today. They did great measurements last year. We now know frost depth was 115cm last year. It is exciting to know this year!