Dear Science Teachers and Principals,
Thank you for supporting our program. Most of the students must be excited about the approaching end semester! We had a great number of responses regarding frost tube depths. We will compile and develop class lessons during teacher workshops this summer.
Here is a recent update of our program:
1. Some teachers are probably moving to different communities. If you know your new location and new e-mail address, please let me know. I can update our mailing list.
2. We will plan to update Google Earth permafrost files during this summer season. You will have over 150 schools data throughout Google Earth. If you have not installed Google Earth yet, please do it. For more information, or any questions, contact me. We will also develop permafrost features on “Google Mars” soon.
3. We will plan to go to Kilimanjaro with two Alaskan science teachers and (maybe) four students this September! This is wonderful news for me, and all of you can join this expedition throughout the Internet. We will try to set up real time Q&A, pictures, and many measurements. You will feel like you’re climbing with us. For more information, see the GLOBE Africa region< <> > . Our climbing route is attached in this letter. It will work with Google Earth (*.kmz file).
Hope all of you can join and monitor our Internet live classroom! More later.
4. During the summer months, former Air Force pilot “Mr. Yuguchi” will back to communities! He will use a small “Husky” plane with big bush tires. If you see him in the community, don’t think he’s a stranger. His mission will be to change the batteries in the loggers and downloads data. We will try to visit over 100 schools during June to July 2010.
5. Some schools end one or two months from now. I will try to visit these schools hopefully before school ends, such as Yukon schools, Juneau, Haines, Mosquito Lake… Also included will be summer schools in Wales, and St. Paul Island.
6. The working “permafrost reference book” for schools and communities progress that still projected to delivery in 2011. However, I may publish a comic version sooner. I will start searching for archived photographs and elder’s story for each community. If you have some old pictures, or information, let me know. ( <> ).
7. I will be away from Alaska during part of the summer: May (Death Valley , CRREL), June (Oslo IPY and searching Permafrost in Span), July (Arctic Canada), August (Tibet), September (Tanzania). But you will know where I am via the blog as well as Twitter.
Again, thank you for your participation.
Have a great summer and see you next semester!
Kenji Yoshikawa