Well… I am sorry to be quiet for long time. Actually, I was living and drilling in remote mountains in Andes during the Pandemic. This is one of my (last) focused projects supported by UNESCO and several local governments. This project will install temperature sensors in the high altitude permafrost (mainly tropical high mountain). You can see the following plots/figure that red dots are already drilled and will establish for yellow dots mountains in early next year 2022. Then, hope to publish 3rd chapter of “permafrost in our time” in next several years following North American (English) and Siberian (Russian) communities versions for archiving and data for future people.
now we have boreholes many unique mountains including at:
1, World highest ground temperature monitoring borehole at 6735m at summit crater of the world highest volcano (Ojos del Salado)
2, World biggest (tallest) mountain from seafloor (Mounaloa and Kea) 9966m from sea base
3, world most far point from center of the Earth (closest point to the moon) Chimborazo 6200m
4, Highest volcano outside Andes 5895m (Kilimanjaro)
5, Highest volcano in North America 5640m (Pico de Orizaba)
6, Highest (coldest) mountain in North America 6190m (Denali)